
Dept. of Physics & Astronomy
Physics S-114
Stony Brook University
Stony Brook, NY 11794-3800
Tel. 631 632-4497 and -8043
Fax 631 632-8176
People People


Dominik Schneble

Department of Physics and Astronomy
Room A-106
Stony Brook University
Stony Brook, NY 11794-3800

email dominik.schneble[at]
tel. +1 631 632-8043

fax +1 631 632-8176

since 2005 Stony Brook University; assistant, associate, full professor
2001-2004  MIT, CUA; research associate (Prof. W. Ketterle/Prof. D.E. Pritchard)
Universität Konstanz; research assistant (Prof. J. Mlynek/Dr. T. Pfau)

2002  Dr. rer. nat.,
Universität Konstanz
1997  Diplom,
Univ. Konstanz
1994  MS, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth
1992  Vordiplom,
Univ. Konstanz

2020  Fellow, American Physical Society
