since 2005 Stony Brook
University; assistant, associate, full professor
2001-2004 MIT, CUA;
research associate (Prof. W. Ketterle/Prof. D.E.
1997-2001 Universit t Konstanz; research
assistant (Prof. J. Mlynek/Dr. T. Pfau)
2002 Dr. rer. nat., Universit t Konstanz
1997 Diplom, Univ. Konstanz
1994 MS, University
of Massachusetts Dartmouth
1992 Vordiplom, Univ. Konstanz
2020 Fellow, American Physical Society
Dominik Schneble is a
professor in the Department of Physics and Astronomy
at Stony Brook University. His laboratory focuses on
studies of ultracold quantum gases to address
questions in physics through quantum simulations, in
fields ranging from condensed-matter physics to
quantum optics. Schneble received his doctorate from
the University of Konstanz, Germany in 2002 for work
in the field of atom optics. He joined Stony Brook
in 2005 after conducting postdoctoral research at
the MIT-Harvard Center for Ultracold Atoms at MIT.
In 2020, he was elected Fellow of the American
Physical Society.