Unless stated
otherwise, all AMO seminars are in S-141 at 4:00 PM on Mondays. |
Feb. 4: Ben Deisller, Subject: BEC Interferometry |
Feb. 18: Prof. Frank Moscatelli, Title: “Novel Shaped Traps for
Ultracold Atoms Using Static and
Dynamic Trapping Forces” |
Feb. 25: Prof. Anand
Sivaramakrishnan, Title: Astronomical Adaptive Optics: A
Technique for Planet Hunting |
Date: March 3: Dr. Houssam Salami
(SUSB): Title: “Study of Electronic Spectra
and Potential Energy Curves of Alkali Dimers, KLi, Cs_2, and Rb_2” |
March 10: Prof. Svetlana
Kotochigova, Subject: “Effects of Collisions and
Optical Lattice Fields on Ultracold Molecules” |
March 24: Maaneli Derakhshani (SUSB): Title: "The Star in a Jar: A
Survey of Historical and Current Developments in Sonoluminescence and
Sonofusion Research" |
April 7: Dr. Thomas Pattard,
Physical Review Editorial Office Title: “Ultracold Neutral Plasmas and
Rydberg Gases” |
April 23, 2008: Prof. Jean Dalibard, Ecole Normale Superieure Title: “Interference Between Quantum Gases” |
Date: Monday, June 2, 2008: Matt
Eardley, SB and JILA; TBA |
“Towards Trapping and
Coupling to Cold Atoms with a Magnetic Cantilever” |
Date: Tuesday, June
3, 2008 at 4:00 PM: Dr. Carlos Trallero, NRC, |
“Wavelength dependency of high harmonic generation” |
Date: Thursday,
June 5, 2008: Dominik Bauer, |
“Atom-Molecule Oscillations in a Mott Insulator and How Dissipation
Fermionizes a One-Dimensional Gas of Bosonic Molecules” |
Date: Thursday,
June 12, 2008, at 4:00 PM: Prof. Amanda Ross, |
Title: “Small Transition Metal Radicals with Untidy Spectra: Connecting Laboratory Spectroscopy with Sunspots” |
Date: Monday, June 23, 2008 at 4:00 PM: Prof. Mark Wagshul, Department of Radiology, SUSB |
Title: “Brain Pulsations and their Role in Intracranial Fluid Dynamics” |
Date: Monday, July
7, at 4:00 PM: Prof. Dmitri Averin, SUSB: |
Title: “Coulomb Blockade of Anyons in Quantum Antidots” |
Date: Wednesday,
July 23, at 4:00 PM: Prof. Edgar Vredenbregt, |
Title: “Low Energy-spread Ion Beams from a Trapped Atomic Gas” |
Date: Friday, July
25 at 11:00AM: Johann Danzl, |
Subject: “A Quantum Gas of Deeply Bound Cold Molecules” |